How to correct the cheekbone structure by injecting a filler?

How to correct the cheekbone structure by injecting a filler?

Cheekbones are one of the main components of the face and play a key role in facial beauty. Many clients become anxious when they hear the phrase “cheek injection” and fear that the face will become artificial immediately. This may be your concern, so we recommend that you read this article. In this article, Dr. […]

Cheekbones are one of the main components of the face and play a key role in facial beauty. Many clients become anxious when they hear the phrase “cheek injection” and fear that the face will become artificial immediately. This may be your concern, so we recommend that you read this article. In this article, Dr. Leila Fard fully explains how to enhance the cheekbone structure fundamentally and precisely and observe its effect on facial beauty.

Cheek highlighting and correction

Cheek area and its fullness or depression is one of the most influential points in the form and shape of the face. If the cheek is sunken, the face becomes more stressed as it is considered as joining point of the laughter and the tear line, these areas also suffer from weakness and sagging. Cheekbone structure correction, symmetry, and creating a balance between other components of the face and cheek volume, requires a genuine and accurate aesthetic vision, and at the same time delicate measurements. Using the right materials and the right technique is the key to having a young and charming appearance to the face, without the face becoming pillowy or puffy.

What is the purpose of the cheekbone structure correction?

The goal is to improve the rejuvenation and lifting, which is easily achieved with a gentle and designed injection into the cheek. Correction of the anatomical area of the cheek has a positive effect on lifting the face upwards.

Dr. Leila Fard:
This is the usual species modification or specification. The goal is to correct the direction of the face, known as contouring.


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Injection of hyaluronic filler in the upper part of the cheekbone

Many clients are horrified to hear about the cheek/cheekbone injections and remember the artificial faces. Yet, it should be noted that the purpose of cheekbone injection is to highlight the anatomical area of the cheek, which is critical for its strength and fullness. Since this area acts as a base for the eye area and improves some of the dimness and even dark circles around the eyes, and also acts as a “pendant” for the laughter line and marionette to prevent them from falling, it is an influential and key area on the face.

The effect of cheek fillers on the youthfulness of the laughter line

The fillers pertaining to the cheek area play an essential role in improving the facial expression, especially reducing the sagging of the laughter and the tear line, respectively. Injecting gel and filler in this area can also benefit the shape and condition of the upper lip (without additional injections in this area).


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Loss of youthful plumpness in the cheek area can be quite ageing. Especially for those who’s lost weight or are naturally slim, the lack of volume in the cheeks can lend a gaunt appearance. Cheeks are central to the face, and a beautiful cheek supports the eyes, can improve the jawline and lift shadows out of the mid face and is key to having the ideal heart shape to the face. Cheek enhancement can be crucial to have beautiful young face, when the face’s balance is calculated and symmetrical and when carefully treated with high quality fillers without the face looking puffy. 👩🏻 • • • برجسته سازى و اصلاح گونه ناحيه گونه و برجستگى يا فروافتادگى آن، از نكات بسيار تاثيرگذار در فرم و حالت چهره است. اگر گونه فرو افتاده باشد، صورت هم تكيده تر نشان داده ميشود و هم به دليل اينكه، گونه، نقطه آويز خط خنده و خط اشكى به حساب مى آيد، اين نواحى هم دچار ضعف و افتادگي ميشوند. اصلاح گونه و قرينه سازى آن و ايجاد تناسب بين ساير اجزاى صورت و حجم گونه، نيازمند داشتن ديد زيبايى شناسى اصيل و دقيق است و در عين حال، اندازه گيريهاى ظريف، استفاده از مواد مرغوب و تكنيك درست، كليد داشتن گونه و صورتى جوان و زيباست، بدون اينكه چهره حالت بالشى و پف آلود پيدا كند. #drleilafard#Rejuvenation #cheek_enhancement#pillowface

Une publication partagée par DrLeilaFard|دکترمیرعلیزاده فرد (@drleilafard) le


What filler is used for injection in the cheek area?

At Dr. Fard Beauty Center, we have always tried to use the top brand and high-quality fillers. For injection in the cheek area, Wolift geoderm filler is used in proportion to the amount recognized for each client.

How long does the filler last?

This method employs top brand hyaluronic fillers that have a lifespan of six to nine months, but the effects of rejuvenation and lift are much more lasting because these fillers themselves cause collagen formation and improve skin consistency in the long run.

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